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About Prime Manpower Solutions

Industries are ever-changing and evolving, with our deep-seethed knowledge of industrial and manpower trends, Prime Manpower is here to deliver only the best to you. Everyday, ally work with people across all regions, placing morality and honesty as our primary principles. With a placement volume over 1000+ foreign candidates per year in industries such as construction, service, manufacturing and shipyard –

We are grateful for every client and candidate that we served, grateful for all the dream-chasers whom approached us for our service and grateful for all the agencies in we work closely with to deliver.

With an intention to boast the topmost outcome for every candidate and client, we keep our client’s best interest in mind. We are committed with the intents of constantly upgrading ourselves with the rules and regulation from Ministry of Manpower. Offering customised services that addresses each and every individual client and candidate. We do placements and applications for Employment Pass, S-pass, Work Permit for all nationalities. 

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How It Works?

Job for anyone, anywhere